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Annie~Joy writes: Support. Part 2 #BeInspired!

Take a cue from Moses in the Bible, when he was given the dream and vision to go and rescue Israel from Pharaoh. He alone was made to understand that vision and when he got there, the people of Israel, he came to save weren’t even showing enough sign of support for his vision. 

Although it was to their benefit but with the support of God, Moses didn’t give up neither did he question the people of Israel for such unpleasant behavior but strives to rescued them. Do you know why? Because he only understood the vision. It was his vision and not their vision yet it was to their benefit.

Furthermore, where is the story if there are no instances, cases and issues. These are all the pieces that gives the prefect picture. As mentioned earlier, develop a positive attitude and mindset towards life, see every bad wish to your advantage. Be your number one fan and invite God to support your dream and vision. After all He is the giver of dreams and vision. Inviting Him is an honour and  a plus to you before any other person. After then, you pray for Him to assist you by connecting you with the very few people who can have a slide idea of your dream and vision.

However, sometimes you need to give people time to exercise their muscles to support. Some people want you to keep proving yourself before they advocate. Don’t conclude, “ Support me now or never😏 yet.

Jesus Christ even during his time at work, threw light on it. He invited God in first, then started with the foundation and later on gave others the chance to help with the water, the rake, the food etc. He had a lot of people following Him but He needed the full support of just 12 people. Be content with what you have. If you have started your dream and vision or is yet to start it, appreciate the few who will support and do not compromise yourself on the others who are not. Be a positive driven person who see an encouragement in any shortcoming.

Similarly , always remember, everyone is a dreamer and a visionary in their own way and it is sometimes hard for the farmer to leave his scattered farm there to support and clean that of another farmer. Therefore, when you get some support, make use of it and don’t be killing the inner you over the others who are not. 

Remember, it is your dream and vision and you alone understand and need to support it first. But before, it will stand firm in the storm, if you honour God with invitation.

We shall continue someday.

Don’t let who is not supporting your dream, steal your joy. Keep pushing, keep going, keep climbing.

Practicing positive thinking will gradually teach your mind to be resilient to obstacles and also to cultivate a fortified mental faculty against pessimism; as evident in the story of Steve Jobs( Victoria Akosua Virenkyi)


Writer: Annie~Joy

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