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Annie Joy writes: The Big Plant Use To Be Small. #BeInspired!

Normally every small beginning seems like a disaster. It's very hard and the probability of giving up is very high. Remember small seed cometh the biggest plant. Listen, that mango tree you are benefiting from used to be a small seed, it is a result of the Believe the farmer had in the small seed.
If you could believe in your small dreams and work on them today it will become a big dream just as the mango Tree. Do not sit down and wish for a restaurant while you can start a small “take away” service, focus on it and it will generate into that big restaurant you wished for. Let me tell you something, even JESUS who knew how he was going to be killed and how mightier his ministry will be, started it all very small. 
Trust me, he could have slept without starting his ministry at the age of 12 yet he would have succeeded as he did because the Bible says:" in the beginning was the word, and the word with GOD, and the word was GOD. The Bible went further to say; He was with GOD in the beginning and through him all things were made without him nothing was made that has been made.
Therefore it is believed that, HE was there when decision concerning his death on earth to the save world was made. HE could have made a command that all things should happen big without a small beginning because he had the power to do so but rather, HE started small as a newborn. At the age of 12 by gathering a few leaders at the council and ministered to them. JESUS CHRIST, let's put even his prophecies aside, He saw something big in his small beginning and so he made announcement about his presence and through that, His gathering of the smaller people became multitudes. 
Don't you think he had the authority to address multitudes at age of 12? yet he started small and today, both Heaven and earth know him to be big. My dear, believe in your small beginnings especially when it is affiliated to your dreams or anything profitable because in there lies your biggest treasure. Note, no great man started it big as you see today. I witnessed a speech and Prize giving Day and one of the speakers who happened to be the CEO and the owner for "Angel groups of company" said: “when I started Angel cream, I use to carry a bag around with the creams and draw attention of the audience with my Megaphone. 
I did for a long time until I was able to buy one taxi. I continued little by little until Angel cream and It groups became what it is today". He also said; “there were a times I wanted to give up because it was very stressful and sometimes market wasn't good but I pushed on". This story can be related to a lot of great men today. Almost all had small beginnings before ending up big. 
My dear, I decided to draw closer today to alert you, don’t let what you have started which look so small cause you to give up. Always remember a small embryo develops into a baby, from a baby to a child, to adolescent, adult and finally old person. Maybe your life looks small but if you can appreciate the small life and work on it, it can become big. Every big thing had a small beginning. 
Martin Luther once said: 
"“For when people get caught up with that which is right and they are willing to sacrifice for it, there is no stopping point short of victory. Therefore until your small beginning becomes a big ending, say I won't give up. Just believe. 
Don't sit down ideal and expect your dreams to chase you. Start it small, accept the baby stage and work out to become an adult. It might look small today but if you will get more focused and believe in your small beginning, something big can happen in your Favor. Just start something positive and believe!


Writer: Annie~Joy

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